
Please see the help articles below:

The videos below are general overviews of the software. If you need help with any of teh softwares, click the links to the left of the vide for help with each section of that software. 


  • Upload New Files
  • Confidence Score
  • Add to Buylist
  • Export Buylist

Chrome Extension

  • Confidence Score
  • Statistical Data
  • Add to buylist
  • Variations

Fee Fighter

  • Dimension / Fee Issue
  • Require Manual Dimensions
  • Claim Filed

Profit Guard

  • Import Products
  • Product Master List
  • Profit Loss Products
  • Profit Loss Comparison


  • Dashboard
  • Profit First
  • Orders
  • Refunds
  • Reimbursements
  • Inbound Shipping
  • Merchant Sales


  • Misplaced / Lost Inventory
  • Damaged / Disposed Inventory
  • Unreconciled Inventory
  • 18 Month Reconciliation