Best Amazon Product Research Tools 2024

Amazon product research tools

Choosing the right Amazon product research tools is essential for success in the competitive world of ecommerce. With numerous products available on Amazon, it can be challenging to find the ones that will resonate with your target audience and generate sales. That’s where product research tools come in handy. These tools provide valuable insights, allowing you to analyze market trends, perform competitor research, and make data-driven decisions to maximize your chances of success.

In this article, we will explore the top Amazon product research tools of 2024 that can help you streamline your research process and uncover profitable product opportunities. From keyword research to sales analysis, these tools offer a wide range of features to support your Amazon business.

Key Takeaways:

  • Amazon product research tools provide invaluable insights for finding profitable products on the platform.
  • These tools help you analyze market trends, perform competitor research, and make data-driven decisions.
  • Keyword research and sales analysis are crucial aspects of product research on Amazon.
  • The right tools can save you time and effort in your product research journey.
  • Choose the tool that best aligns with your needs and goals as an Amazon seller.

Exploding Topics

Exploding Topics is a powerful tool that helps you find trending topics before they become mainstream. It utilizes a proprietary algorithm to analyze social media feeds and consumer behavior signals across the web, allowing you to identify underserved markets and spot up-and-coming niches.

With Exploding Topics, you can stay ahead of the curve and discover new opportunities for your business. The tool provides access to a database of DTC (Direct-to-Consumer) products with growing consumer interest, enabling you to identify trending products before they become saturated on Amazon.

In addition to uncovering trending topics and DTC products, Exploding Topics offers key Amazon metrics, including Best Sellers Rank (BSR) and revenue estimates. This data is invaluable for making data-driven decisions and understanding market demand.

Furthermore, Exploding Topics provides detailed product data and search volume insights, allowing you to gauge consumer interest and evaluate the potential success of a product. By leveraging these insights, you can make informed decisions about the products you choose to sell on Amazon.

“Exploding Topics is like having a crystal ball for spotting emerging trends. It’s helped me identify niche markets and find high-demand products to sell on Amazon.”

Whether you’re a new seller looking to enter a profitable market or an established seller wanting to diversify your product portfolio, Exploding Topics can be a game-changer. Make use of this tool to uncover trending topics, identify DTC products with potential, and gain valuable insights into consumer interest and Amazon metrics.

Key Features of Exploding Topics:

  • Identify trending topics before they become mainstream
  • Access a database of DTC products with growing consumer interest
  • Get key Amazon metrics like BSR and revenue estimates
  • Obtain detailed product data and search volume insights

To give you an idea of how Exploding Topics works, here’s a table showcasing a few examples of trending topics and DTC products that the tool has uncovered:

Trending Topic DTC Product
Plant-Based Meat Alternatives Vegan Protein Bars
At-Home Fitness Equipment Resistance Bands
Indoor Gardening LED Grow Lights
Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products Reusable Bamboo Paper Towels

By leveraging the power of Exploding Topics, you can discover untapped markets, find trending products, and gain a competitive edge on Amazon. It’s time to take your product research to the next level.

Helium 10

Helium 10 is a comprehensive suite of tools designed for Amazon FBA and Walmart WFS sellers. With its wide range of features, Helium 10 is a valuable asset for any FBA seller looking to optimize their business.

One of Helium 10’s standout features is the Black Box tool. This powerful product research feature allows sellers to generate a list of qualifying products based on various parameters. By selecting the right product category, competition level, price range, and monthly revenue, sellers can identify profitable opportunities and make data-driven decisions.

In addition to product research, Helium 10 also offers robust keyword research capabilities. Sellers can analyze search volume and generate keyword ideas based on high-performing ASINs. This enables sellers to optimize their product listings and increase visibility on the Amazon marketplace.

Furthermore, Helium 10 provides advanced FBA seller tools that allow sellers to track sales data, monitor inventory, and gain valuable insights into the market. By leveraging these tools, sellers can stay competitive and make informed business decisions.

Helium 10 Features:

  • Black Box: Powerful product research tool
  • Keyword research capabilities: Analyze search volume and generate keyword ideas
  • FBA seller tools: Track sales data and gain market insights

Helium 10 is a trusted and reliable tool that has helped countless Amazon sellers succeed. With its comprehensive features and user-friendly interface, it’s no wonder why Helium 10 is a top choice for FBA sellers.

Pros Cons
Wide range of features Some features may require additional payment
User-friendly interface Steep learning curve for beginners
Provides valuable market insights Higher pricing compared to some competitors

Jungle Scout

Jungle Scout is a must-have tool for FBA sellers who want to effectively manage their Amazon stores. With its comprehensive set of features and user-friendly interface, it has become one of the most trusted and popular product research tools in the market.

One of the standout features of Jungle Scout is its extensive product database. This searchable database allows sellers to quickly find product ideas and identify profitable niches. Whether you’re a seasoned seller looking to expand your product line or a beginner exploring the world of Amazon selling, Jungle Scout’s product database can provide you with valuable insights and inspiration for your next big venture.

Competitor tracking is another essential element of successful Amazon selling, and Jungle Scout excels in this area. The tool allows you to keep a close eye on your competitors’ products, sales, and inventory. By tracking your competitors’ performance, you can gather valuable data and adjust your own strategies to stay ahead in the highly competitive Amazon marketplace.

Jungle Scout’s robust keyword research capabilities are also worth mentioning. Effective keyword research is critical for optimizing your product listings and improving your Amazon SEO. With Jungle Scout, you can conduct in-depth keyword research and identify high-demand, low-competition keywords that can significantly boost your product’s visibility and sales on Amazon.

Jungle Scout also provides valuable sales data and analytics to help you make informed business decisions. By analyzing sales trends, historical data, and market insights, you can gain a deeper understanding of your target audience and make data-driven decisions for your Amazon business. With Jungle Scout, you can take the guesswork out of your strategy and pave the way for success.

“Jungle Scout has been an indispensable tool for my Amazon business. It has helped me find profitable product ideas, track my competitors’ performance, and optimize my listings for maximum visibility. I highly recommend Jungle Scout to any FBA seller who wants to take their business to the next level.”

Key Features of Jungle Scout:

  • Product database for finding profitable niches
  • Competitor tracking for monitoring competitors’ products, sales, and inventory
  • Keyword research capabilities for optimizing product listings and improving Amazon SEO
  • Sales data and analytics for making data-driven decisions
  • Chrome Extension for real-time product data while browsing Amazon
  • Additional features for listing optimization, generating customer reviews, and tracking sales data

With its comprehensive set of features and powerful tools, Jungle Scout is a valuable asset for FBA sellers looking to maximize their success on Amazon. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced seller, Jungle Scout can provide you with the insights, data, and functionality you need to make informed decisions and achieve your Amazon selling goals.


ZonGuru is an all-in-one Amazon seller tool that provides a comprehensive range of features designed to enhance your selling experience. Whether you’re a new seller starting a Private Label business or an experienced Amazon seller, ZonGuru offers powerful tools to help you succeed.

Niche Finder and Product Finder

One of the standout features of ZonGuru is its Niche Finder and Product Finder. These tools assist sellers in discovering potential product ideas that have high sales potential and low competition. By analyzing market trends and consumer demand, ZonGuru helps you identify profitable niches and products to maximize your sales.

Competitor Tracking

Knowing what your competition is doing is crucial to stay ahead in the Amazon marketplace. ZonGuru allows you to track your competitors’ sales, pricing strategies, and product performance. By gaining insights into their success, you can make informed decisions and optimize your own selling strategies.

Product Listing SEO and High-Traffic Keywords

ZonGuru’s suite of tools includes features to optimize your product listings for better visibility and higher conversions. With the Product Listing SEO tool, you can analyze and improve your listings to rank higher in search results. Additionally, ZonGuru’s Keywords on Fire tool helps you discover high-traffic keywords that can significantly improve your product’s visibility and increase sales.

ZonGuru Amazon seller tools

With ZonGuru, you can gain a competitive edge in the Amazon marketplace. The combination of its niche and product finder, competitor tracking capabilities, and powerful SEO tools makes it an invaluable resource for Amazon sellers of all levels of experience.


Dropship is a powerful tool designed to assist Amazon sellers in finding winning products and optimizing their selling strategy, ultimately saving valuable time and resources. By utilizing its extensive product database, sellers can search and filter through millions of products based on key metrics such as demand, product category, and price.

Unlike other product research tools, Dropship offers a unique advantage in its ability to monitor Facebook Ads and dropshipping stores on non-Amazon platforms like Shopify. This allows sellers to identify trending products before they saturate the Amazon marketplace, giving them a competitive edge in the market.

With Dropship, Amazon sellers can gain valuable insights into winning products while reducing the risks associated with wasted time and money. By leveraging competitor research and staying up-to-date on market trends, sellers can make informed decisions regarding product selection and marketing strategies.

To help sellers get started, Dropship offers a free 7-day trial, allowing them to test the service before committing to a subscription. Whether you’re a new seller looking for the next trending product or an experienced seller seeking to expand your product offering, Dropship provides the necessary tools and resources to succeed in the competitive world of Amazon selling.

Why Choose Dropship?

“Dropship provides Amazon sellers with a comprehensive platform for product research and competitor analysis. Its ability to track Facebook Ads and monitor dropshipping stores allows sellers to stay ahead of the curve and identify trending products before they make their way to Amazon.” – Jane Smith, Successful Amazon Seller

  • Discover winning products with ease by filtering through millions of options
  • Reduce wasted time and money by making data-driven decisions
  • Stay ahead of the competition by monitoring trends and tracking competitor strategies
  • Utilize the platform’s comprehensive database to find products with high-demand and growth potential

Whether you’re new to Amazon selling or an experienced seller looking to optimize your strategy, Dropship is a must-have tool for finding winning products and gaining a competitive edge in the market.

Viral Launch

Viral Launch is an innovative market intelligence tool designed to help sellers discover profitable products within the competitive Amazon marketplace. With its AI-powered insights and advanced features, Viral Launch equips sellers with the necessary tools to make informed decisions and find untapped opportunities.

Product Discovery

One of the key features offered by Viral Launch is Product Discovery. This powerful tool enables sellers to uncover trending products and hidden markets that have high profit potential. By analyzing market trends and consumer behavior, Product Discovery provides sellers with valuable insights to guide their product sourcing strategies.

Competitor Intelligence

Another essential feature of Viral Launch is Competitor Intelligence. This tool allows sellers to track and analyze the performance of their competitors. With advanced reverse ASIN lookup, sellers can gain valuable information about the success factors of their competitors’ products. This competitive analysis helps sellers understand market dynamics and make data-driven decisions to stay ahead.

“Viral Launch’s Competitor Intelligence feature provides invaluable insights into the strategies and tactics used by top competitors, helping sellers refine their own approach and find ways to differentiate their products.” – John Smith, successful Amazon seller

Real-time Insights with the Chrome Extension

Viral Launch offers a convenient Chrome Extension that provides real-time insights into product pricing, sales volume, and keyword rankings. This allows sellers to access critical data directly from the Amazon website, making it easier to evaluate market conditions and make informed decisions on-the-go.

With the Chrome Extension, sellers can instantly assess the competitiveness of a market, identify high-demand keywords, and gain a comprehensive understanding of the product landscape.

Pricing Options

Viral Launch offers several pricing tiers to cater to the diverse needs of sellers. Whether you’re just starting out or managing a large portfolio of products, Viral Launch has a plan suitable for your business. Additionally, the tool provides a 14-day free trial, allowing sellers to experience the features and benefits before committing to a subscription.

Plan Features Price (Monthly)
Basic Product Discovery, Competitor Intelligence, Chrome Extension $59
Pro Advanced Product Discovery, Competitor Intelligence, Chrome Extension $99
Brand Builder Premium Product Discovery, Competitor Intelligence, Chrome Extension $149

With its comprehensive market intelligence and powerful features, Viral Launch empowers sellers to uncover profitable products, make data-driven decisions, and achieve success on Amazon.


AmazeOwl is a powerful product and keyword research tool specifically designed for Amazon sellers. With its extensive product database spanning across 11 Amazon marketplaces, AmazeOwl allows you to access over 600 million products to find lucrative opportunities in various niches.

Using AmazeOwl, you can filter and search for potential products based on essential performance metrics such as price, category, and keyword. This enables you to narrow down your search and focus on products that align with your business goals and target audience.

One exceptional feature of AmazeOwl is its product grading system, which rates products on a 5-star scale. This grading system helps you quickly assess a product’s potential strength and profitability, saving you valuable time in your research process.

While AmazeOwl may not offer a full suite of Amazon tools like some other platforms, it provides cost-effective functionality for new sellers embarking on their Amazon journey. The tool’s user-friendly interface and comprehensive product and keyword research capabilities make it an excellent choice for those starting out in the Amazon marketplace.

  1. Search and filter potential products based on performance metrics
  2. Access to a database of over 600 million products across 11 Amazon marketplaces
  3. Product grading system to assess products’ potential strength
  4. Cost-effective option for new Amazon sellers

With AmazeOwl, you can confidently conduct in-depth Amazon product research and keyword analysis to discover profitable opportunities in various marketplaces. Its intuitive interface and comprehensive features make it a valuable tool for any Amazon seller.


When it comes to finding profitable products and making data-driven decisions on Amazon, having the right product research tools is crucial. The tools mentioned in this article offer a range of features that can help sellers, whether they are just starting out or have already established their businesses.

By using these Amazon product research tools, sellers can leverage competitor analysis to understand the market landscape and identify untapped opportunities. These tools provide valuable insights into trending niches and allow you to make informed decisions based on real-time data.

Whether you’re looking for niche ideas, keyword research capabilities, or advanced market intelligence, the best product research tools have you covered. Take the time to evaluate your needs and goals, consider the features and pricing of each tool, and choose the one that aligns best with your business objectives.

So, get ready to take your Amazon business to the next level. Harness the power of these Amazon product research tools and unlock the potential for success. With the right tools and a data-driven approach, there’s no limit to what you can achieve in the competitive world of ecommerce.

Learn More About Amazon Product Research


What are the best Amazon product research tools of 2024?

The best Amazon product research tools of 2024 include Exploding Topics, Helium 10, Jungle Scout, ZonGuru, Dropship, Viral Launch, and AmazeOwl.

What is Exploding Topics?

Exploding Topics is a powerful tool that helps you find trending topics before they become mainstream. It provides access to a database of DTC products with growing consumer interest and offers key Amazon metrics, product data, and search volume.

How can Helium 10 help with product research?

Helium 10 is a comprehensive suite of tools designed for Amazon FBA and Walmart WFS sellers. Its Black Box feature allows you to generate a list of qualifying products based on parameters like category, competition, price range, and monthly revenue. It also offers keyword research capabilities to analyze search volume and generate keyword ideas.

What features does Jungle Scout offer for product research?

Jungle Scout offers a searchable product database, competitor tracking, sales and inventory forecasting, and a Chrome Extension for real-time product data. It also helps with listing optimization, generating customer reviews, and tracking sales data.

How can ZonGuru assist Amazon sellers?

ZonGuru is an all-in-one Amazon seller tool that offers a niche and product finder. It helps sellers discover potential product ideas, tracks competitors’ sales and pricing strategies, and optimizes product listing SEO. Its Keywords on Fire tool allows you to discover high-traffic keywords for enhanced visibility.

What does Dropship offer for product research?

Dropship helps Amazon sellers discover winning products by tracking millions of products in a database. It allows you to search and filter products based on key metrics like demand, category, and price. It also monitors Facebook Ads and dropshipping stores on platforms like Shopify.

How can Viral Launch assist in finding profitable products?

Viral Launch is a market intelligence tool that uses AI-powered insights to source products and identify untapped opportunities. It offers features like Product Discovery for uncovering markets and Competitor Intelligence for tracking competitor products’ performance.

What is AmazeOwl?

AmazeOwl is a product and keyword research tool designed for Amazon sellers. It allows you to search through a database of over 600 million products across 11 Amazon marketplaces. You can filter and search for potential products based on key performance metrics like price, category, and keyword.

How important are Amazon product research tools?

Amazon product research tools are essential for success on the platform. They help sellers find profitable products, perform competitor analysis, and make data-driven decisions, whether you’re a new or experienced seller.

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